Tag Archives: feed

FOX news – Lt Col Ralph Peters goes off on Obama

Meet the candidates to replace Speaker Boehner

WASHINGTON, DC - JULY 11:  U.S. Speaker of the House Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) (R) wipes tear as House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) (L) looks on during a ceremony to award the Congressional Gold Medal posthumously to Constantino Brumidi July 11, 2012 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. Brumidi was awarded with the medal for his many artistic contributions to the United States Capitol.  (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)From Ohio Rising:  Voters in the 8th district of Ohio will decide on a replacement for Speaker Boehner in Congress in March. To educate voters on the candidates, Ohio Rising interviewed a few of the leading candidates for the seat; Bill Beagle, JD Winteregg and Roger Reynolds.  Tim Derickson was asked to participate and declined. Questions include the enumerated powers of Congress, immigration reform, Obamacare, global warming, ISIS and the War on Terror, Common Core […]

9 charts that summarize the US Economy

Nine_ChartsFrom US World Report.  Nine charts show what Pres Obama, Rep Ryan, Rep Kaptur, Rep Fudge, Rep Beatty, Sen Sherrod Brown , and the Democrat party have done for the US Economy.

Illinois and Ohio conservative group leaders meet in Chicago to exchange ideas

BusinessTalk_37922220_sSaturday, December 5th, Huntley, IL While most people are spending today Christmas shopping, putting up the tree, just relaxing, or watching the latest game,  Conservative, Liberty, 912, and Tea Party group leaders across Illinois decided to spend today learning and exchanging ideas with NW Ohio Conservative Coalition (NWOCC) / Toledo Tea Party founder John Mc Avoy. Today’s 7 hour agenda will focus on many topics to include:  Why groups MUST remain autonomous (our strength),  Why […]

Bowling Green Public university professor labels NRA a “murderous terrorist”

EvansSmall_0From the Buckeye Firearms Association Newsletter posted by Chad Baus: A public records request has revealed that Dr. James E. Evans, a professor of geology at the Bowling Green State University (BGSU), considers the National Rifle Association (NRA), which is the nation’s oldest and largest civil rights organization, to be “a murderous terrorist organization that is a threat to national security.” The claim came in an email sent by Evans to Rep. Tim Brown (R-Bowling Green), demanding that […]