Tag Archives: feed

Court: Ohioans Have Right to Criticize the Performance of Public Officials

DuctTape_5318668_sMaple Heights Mayor sued to silence local bloggers for “defamation” and “emotional distress,” and violated their right to free speech in doing so Columbus, OH – An Ohio Court late Friday dismissed the case of a Cleveland-area Mayor who sued a local family for “an amount in excess of $25,000” after they questioned his job performance on their blog. The 1851 Center for Constitutional Law’s victory on behalf of Bill and Lynde Brownlee, husband and […]

Ohio House Education committee starts hearings on Common Core – HB212

imagesAnti-Common Core Friends, If there is anyway you can make it to Columbus on Tuesday 11-17-2015 for the Ohio House Education Committee’s hearing on HB212 (Representative Andy Thompson) please make it a priority.  The hearing is at 9:30am in the statehouse.  Even if there are aspects of the bill you disagree with this is the time to let the legislature know you are paying attention! If you cannot attend, please call your state representative and […]

Republican Liberty Caucus of Ohio launches Ohio Legislature Scorecard

RLC_2_300We’ve all seen Legislature scorecards at the federal level, i.e. Freedom Works, and Heritage do an excellent job of digging into federal legislation and ranking the Federal congressional members on how they voted. What has been missing is this same tool, but at the Ohio State Legislature level,  UNTIL NOW.   WOW I had an opportunity to attend the launch event in Medina, OH yesterday where the Republican Liberty Caucus of Ohio’s (RLC  Ohio)  Chairman Bill […]

Another election passed – still no Voter ID from Ohio Legislature

Voter_Photo_ID_picOn May 5th, 2015,  Rep Brenner (OH47)  with 29 sponsors  introduced HB-189 , Voter ID, to the Ohio House. On May 12th, 2015,  HB-189 was assigned to the Government Accountability and Oversight (GAO) committee, chaired by Wood county Rep Tim Brown (OH3) . Its now November 10th, 7 months and two or three elections later, HB-189 still sits on Rep Brown’s desk, with ZERO action. Its been rumored that Gov Kasich has asked Rep Brown […]

Project 21 on the Resignation of UofM President Tim Wolfe

Project21_Release_2Washington, D.C. – Project 21‘s Stacy Washington and Horace Cooper have issued statements addressing the resignation of University of Missouri President Tim Wolfe today in light of student and faculty protests over racial issues on the campus. Said Stacy Washington, a Project 21 member and talk show host on 97.1 FM News Talk KFTK in St. Louis, Missouri: The purveyors of Political Correctness have won again. It’s a shallow victory for so-called “striking” college football […]