Tag Archives: feed

Collecting Workplace Freedom signatures during the Nov 3rd election

signing_petitions-300x225Over 1000 signatures were collected at 3 large  polling locations in Central Ohio  on Nov 3. Turnout was better in Ohio at 41.8% for an off year election. I think the 3 Issues were the biggest draw to many voters. Call or text me with your Nov. 3 signature collecting successes for all to share and to motivate others!! On the day of the election, the location is a public place even if on other days […]

Congress to use Strategic Petroleum Reserve as an ATM

ATM_MAchineOur national Strategic Petroleum Reserve, located in Louisiana and Texas, now holds approximately 695 million barrels of crude oil. It was created in the 1970’s during the oil embargo crisis and is and now apparently was created as a backup during a national emergency. The spigot has been opened only three times, two in times of national emergency and once as a political move. Number one was during the first Gulf War, number two was after hurricane Katrina […]

OLC Supreme Court Justices 19 SEPT 2015


Workplace Freedom Volunteers collect over 1000 signatures at 2 area festivals.

Waynesvl fest1_300Over 1000 signatures were collected at the Waynesville Sauerkraut Festival and Circleville Pumpkin Show Festivals. Pumpkin Man and Kaptain Kraut are in these photos. See if you can pick them out!! Meta H. also got a signature from ‘Ye Old Scarecrow’ and Sue Ellen got a signature from a “Human Horse”. Do I have your attention yet?? Everyone was friendly, we had a lot of fun and ate a lot of great food, got some […]

Toledo man with concealed carry permit shoots armed robbery suspect

13ABC_CCWShootsTOLEDO (13abc Action News) – A 21 year-old Toledo man with a concealed carry permit turned the tables on an armed robbery suspect early Tuesday morning as he arrived home from work. Police say the shooting appears to be in self-defense, but it remains under investigation. This happened outside just after 4 a.m. in the one thousand block of Baker off of LaGrange. Police say Terrance Reid shot armed robbery suspect Antonio Hadley once in […]