Tag Archives: feed

Stop talking and start doing – You only need 5 signatures to run for State Central Committee

ohio-gop-logo-630x400All politics is local.  If the county central committee is the foundation of the party,  then the State Central Committee is the mortar that holds it all together. Did you know the Ohio Republican Party doesn’t have a Party Platform?  How can the GOP tell people what they represent or what their goals are? Without a platform to define goals,  Republican Representatives have no yardstick that they can be measured against! How would YOU like […]

Ohio Precinct Project Rally to Recruit on October 31st in Columbus

GainControlA quick note to remind everyone that we are coming up on only the fourth opportunity since the liberty movement in Ohio began to encourage grassroots citizens to engage in central committee elections. December 16th is the filing deadline for races appearing on the ballot in the March 2016 primary. It is time to spread the word about this now or surrender another two to four years to the crony establishment. Unless of course…you are […]

PARCC can’t explain how they derived test scoring levels

PARCC_LOGOLast week the cut scores for Ohio’s 2014-15 PARCC assessments were announced. While many articles have focused on the different PARCC scoring levels selected in Ohio as compared to other states like Illinois and New York, all have ignored the most fundamental question of all: “What academic expectations are these cut scores based upon?” Parents and teachers automatically presume that there must be some academic correlation between the cut scores released in Ohio and surrounding […]

If we split, we lose – Would you be willing to unite behind one candidate?

Q1_TOTAL_SEPAlmost 60 Ohio conservative groups have been participating in a program that allows their members to talk to each other regarding the subject of “Uniting around one candidate”. Although the Primary election is still months away,  Ohios conservatives understand if they don’t unite,  their split vote will allow the establishment candidate to walk away with an easy win. The ongoing survey conducted by Ohio Conservatives United (OCU) is the vehicle for generating the discussion. With […]

If we split, we lose – Would you be willing to unite behind one candidate?

Q1_TOTAL_SEPAlmost 60 Ohio conservative groups have been participating in a program that allows their members to talk to each other regarding the subject of “Uniting around one candidate”. Although the Primary election is still months away,  Ohios conservatives understand if they don’t unite,  their split vote will allow the establishment candidate to walk away with an easy win. The ongoing survey conducted by Ohio Conservatives United (OCU) is the vehicle for generating the discussion. With […]