Tag Archives: feed

Your County Central Committee representatives, who are they

Meeting_44588216_sFor the last few months,  the folks at the Ohio Precinct Project have been traveling around Ohio, conducting regional workshops on the importance of the county central committee, and what you need to do to run for your central committee. Central Committee is the single most important job in the party, as the entire party foundation is built on this neighborhood party representative. I’ve stated at many meetings; “If you’re a liberty minded person who […]

3 ISSUES … How Do You Vote?

DistrictMapSenateA Printable PDF Overview is available at the end of this article Issue 1   Ohio Bipartisan Redistricting Commission Amendment The Ohio Bipartisan Redistricting Commission Amendment, Issue 1 is on the November 3, 2015 ballot in Ohio as a legislatively referred constitutional amendment. The measure, upon voter approval, would create a bipartisan redistricting commission, the Ohio Redistricting Commission, to draw state legislative districts. The measure would also establish new requirements for district standards. The Ohio Redistricting […]

Are you considering a run for Ohio Senate

DistrictMapSenateAccording to Your Name On the Ballot,  there are 16 Ohio Senate seats (even number districts) up for grabs in the 2016 elections. There are 33 Senate districts in Ohio, with 4 year terms. Odd number districts are voted on in Governor election years (2014, 2018, 2022, etc). Even number districts are voted on in Presidential election years (2016, 2020, 2024, etc) To get your name on a party ballot, you must fill out the […]

Ohio House Passes Health Care Compact

hc_logoCOLUMBUS—During today’s session, the Ohio House of Representatives passed legislation that, with approval from Congress, would give Ohio more freedom and flexibility over its healthcare policies. House Bill 34, sponsored by Rep. Retherford and Rep. Boose, ratifies the Health Care Compact., through which Ohio would enter a multi-state contract that would secure more rights to the states for healthcare policy decisions. The measure is a response to rising costs and deficits, as well as the […]

Cities’ Rental Licensing and Inspection Requirements Unconstitutional

1851Columbus, OH – The Southern District of Ohio today ruled that the City of Portsmouth’s occupational licensing requirements imposed upon landlords – – rental property inspections and licensing fees – – violates the Fourth Amendment to the United State Constitution. The 1851 Center for Constitutional Law’s victory on behalf of Portsmouth rental property owners Ron Baker, Nancy Ross, Thomas Howard, and Darren Oliver means that indiscriminate and warrantless government inspections of rental properties are unconstitutional […]