Tag Archives: feed

Ohio Precinct Project Central Committee Trainings

OPP_LogoOur country needs better political leadership. Have you ever been to an election and not liked the choices? Are you disappointed and frustrated by seeing the same “establishment” candidates on the ballot over and over again? Are you tired of politicians continuing to spend money we don’t have and growing the size of government? Are you tired of elected officials who won’t listen and do the opposite of what they promise? Will your voice ever be heard? Can you […]

A Thank You Note

OLC_Sep19_logo-320x202I would like to thank all of those involved in the Ohio Liberty Coalition statewide meeting on Saturday for an absolutely wonderful and educational event. I received the following very gracious email, and the message I could not have said better. “I wanted to take a minute to thank you all for your hard work in putting on the OLC State Meeting in Marysville, Ohio Saturday. I, and the rest of those in attendance, greatly […]

Voter ID constitutional amendment signature collection started

signing_petitionsFRUSTRATED with the inability of the Ohio Legislature over the past two sessions to pass legislation that would require voter photo ID requirement for Ohio that polls at 70% favorability in Ohio and nationally, this citizens-led initiative has launched today to place the measure on the ballot sometime in 2016. Constitutional Amendment to Adopt Voter Photo ID Requirement for Ohio  launched today at the Ohio Liberty Coalition meeting in Marysville, Ohio. Protect Ohio’s Vote PAC […]

Conservative voters refuse to vote for Establishment Candidates

BarChartEarlier this week, a survey went out to Ohio Conservative voters asking them how they’d vote if presented with 4 different election scenarios;  Bush, Christie, Kasich, or Trump running against Clinton or Biden. The results were not surprising,  as conservative voters in Ohio are angry and frustrated with the “next in line” Republican Party Establishment candidates, and their unwillingness to fight for conservative values that have been the Hallmark of Republicans for 100’s of years. […]

Ohio conservative candidates can get matched up with conservative PACs

FB_Logo1Are you a conservative candidate or do you know of a conservative candidate that could benefit from assistance or an endorsement from the many conservative PAC’s located throughout Ohio? If so then please go to Your Name On The Ballot web site and sign up for their registry. Two great features added to the YNOB is a registry for Conservative PACs and a registry for Conservative Candidates.  The goal of these registries is to help […]