Tag Archives: feed

RINO – Whats in a name

RINO-PictureMr Anderson write this in response to a very derogatory comment made about “Teabaggers” on the Toledo Tea Party web site.  Mr Anderson gave us permission to re-post his response here… The term RINO is an acronym for Republicans In Name Only. This refers to Candidates and/or Elected Officials that run for office as Republicans, but vote as, or have values equivalent to, Democrats. When the actual name applies, as applied by individuals, depends on […]

How can any Democrat continue to support their party after Thursdays Senate vote?

Iran_Treaty After Thursdays vote in the Senate, Why would ANYONE support the actions of the Democrat party??? Basically, Sen Brown and the entire Democrat Party have joined forces with Iranian Leader Khamenei’s chants “Death to America”. The Democrats voted to give Iran $160 billion that will be used to kill our solders and citizens, The Democrats voted to allow Iran to continue to develop Nuclear weapons, using the $160 we gave them. The Democrats voted to […]

Toledo Tea Party passes resolution condemning the Iranian Nuke deal.

Resolution_1503_TallThe Toledo Tea Party board of Directors held an emergency meeting this afternoon to discuss the ramifications of the upcoming Senate vote on the Iranian Nuclear deal. Prior to the Senate taking up ratification of any treaty, it’s their responsibility to perform due diligence as to how the treaty will effect the United States of America. A major concern is the ability to verify the conditions of the agreement.  Iran has a long history of […]

NO to Iran nuke deal

Brown_Portman_TrustButVerifyReagan said “Trust but Verify” Under the Obama, Kerry, Iran treaty, this is how we are supposed to verify Iran is living up to their end of the bargain and not creating nuclear weapons. You had better sit down for this: Iran will appoint Iranian Inspectors to perform periodic inspections at the Iranian facilities. If the Iranian inspectors find any peculiarities in the Iran nuclear facilities, they will report them immediately to the Iranian leadership […]

Area festivals prove fruitful for Workplace Freedom Amendment Volunteers

labor day 11_600Labor Day has so many festivals with so much to do and so little time!! But just in Columbus 5 people that reported in collected 394 signatures at 4 different Festivals. They were at the Johnstown, Oh Flea Market, Upper Arlington Labor Day Art Festival, Sunbury Ox Roast and Flea Market, and the Canal Winchester labor day festival and car show!! Take a peak at the photos that were taken!! In case you wonder why […]