Tag Archives: feed

Calling all Ohio based conservative Political Action Committees

PACsFrom Your-Name-On-The-Ballot.. Many conservative groups and organizations across Ohio have created their own Political Action Committees (PAC). This allows these groups to directly support conservative candidates and issues in their areas and across the state. We are compiling a list of these Ohio based conservative PAC’s.  This list will be published on our “Resources” page in an effort to allow candidates and donors the ability to reach your PAC directly.  We’re also working on a […]

A Common Core “Data Sharing Agreement” every parent must read

27806303_sFrom Ohioans against Common Core. The Straight A Fund is a $250 Million grant fund established in Governor Kasich’s biennium budget. It is touted as an innovation program, stating “educators now have an unprecedented opportunity to put good ideas into action”. To no one’s surprise, it is the same cast of characters using millions of Ohio tax dollars to capitalize on your child’s personal and education data for the benefit of the education establishment and […]

Festivals and Fairs great opportunity to get signatures for WFA

Sunbury 1_600EVERYONE MAKE HAY(collect signatures)WHILE THE SUN SHINES We were collecting signatures this SUPER weekend at the Sunbury, Ohio Sun and Sizzle Festival held in the Town Square!! Lots of fun with the “great fair and festival” food! The signatures were all collected standing on the public sidewalks where parking lots feed into festival and buses drop off attendees!! Fairs and festivals are where you can get the greatest number of signatures in the “shortest amount […]

Ohio Precinct Project workshop in Ravenna

OPP_LogoLast night, I had the opportunity to talk to the Citizens to Patriots group in Crawford County about the Ohio Conservatives United. Anytime I’m asked to speak to a group, I always try to put a plug in for Workplace Freedom and one of the most important programs in Ohio, The Ohio Precinct Project. Following the discussion on OCU,  I asked the group if they knew about the Republican Party County Central Committee and we […]

Steve Kraus sentencing today in Ottawa County

Steve-Kraus-HeadshotFrom Ralph Kraus, Fireland Patriots. I hope everyone got the message that the sentencing was moved up to 10:00 am this morning. We met outside the Court House and prayed for 30 minutes. I would estimate around 40 observers entered the court room as spectators filling all available seats. 95% were Steve’s family, friends and supporters. From the Prosecution side, we saw only the owner of the house Helen Stein & someone with her. No […]