Tag Archives: feed

Its not dead, keep pressure on SB1

From Rep Nino Vitale So what the HADES happened yesterday (Wednesday) in Ohio? Look, I have always tried to be a straight shooter, even when it makes people in various places angry. I gotta give you fool-proof truth or I cannot sleep at night Well, this post is a little different but intended to inform you of several ‘inside baseball’ items that people want to know. So, I am going to try and cover them […]

Ohio Court: Forced Closure of Gyms Unconstitutional

Ohio Court: Forced Closure of Gyms Unconstitutional Health Department has no authority to close all business or create its own penalties Painesville, OH – An Ohio Court of Common Pleas Wednesday morning enjoined the Ohio Governor and Director of the Department of Health from “imposing or enforcing penalties solely for non-compliance with the director’s order” against gymnasiums, health clubs, fitness centers, gyms, and workout facilities. The 1851 Center for Constitutional Law’s victory against Defendant Amy Acton […]

Ohio’s Future Foundation is launching its Feed the Frontline giveaway.

To help support local restaurants struggling due to state closures and to help businesses rebuild thru the opening period; and to thank our frontline workers of all different professions, Ohio’s Future Foundation is launching its Feed the Frontline giveaway. To enter, individuals just need to visit www.ohiosfuturefoundation.org/ohffcares , fill out the form nominating their favorite local restaurant that needs some help, and OHFF will select a winner each week to donate $100 worth of food […]

Affidavit submitted in lawsuit against Amy Acton on behalf of gym owners

The following is an Affidavit submitted in support of the 1851 Center’s lawsuit against Amy Acton on behalf of Ohio gym owners (CLICK HERE to read complaint).  Mr Wilson’s analysis highlights that like many states, Ohio’s decline in the case growth rate began *before* most of the lockdown orders were in place. Additionally, Mike reviewed the data in four states that have begun reopening – Georgia, Tennessee, Florida, and Texas. For these states, Mike reviewed […]

Ohio Senates lack of decision continues to cripple Ohio’s economy..

In a “non-voting” session of the Ohio Senate, so that Senators could not object to his decision, Ohio Senate President Larry Obhof unilaterally “ruled” that the Ohio Senate would not even take up Senate Bill One which was passed by the Ohio House as an effort to provide some minimal representation for the people of Ohio in how we are treated by the ill-informed tyrant DeWine and his out of control “health director.” Meaning, not […]