Tag Archives: feed

Opting out of Common Core testing

Screen-Shot-2015-08-20-at-3.04.32-AMOPERATION OPT OUT OHIO Protecting Our Children & Reclaiming Our Classrooms As most of you know, the PARCC assessments were replaced by assessments “to be developed” by testing vendor American Institutes for Research (A.I.R.), who also administers the Ohio Social Studies and Science assessments. This replacement of PARCC does nothing but change vendors. The tests are still high-stakes, still collect data, and are still aligned with the Common Core State Standards. The only good news […]

Workplace Freedom at the Dan Emmett Festival

Festival_600Workplace Freedom Petition Signature Gathering at the Festival Meta Hahn and I went to the Dan Emmett Festival in Mt. Vernon, Oh, Knox County, this past Saturday.  Support from the festival attendees was phenomenal and at times, people were waiting in line to sign the petition to place Workplace Freedom on the ballot. Fairs and festivals are always good locations for Workplace Freedom.  During the festival we averaged over 40 signatures an hour.  People love freedom […]

Nullification – When the Federal Government exceeds their authority

consEds note: While attended a Paulding County 912 meeting recently and listened to Jim Sponseller talk about Nullification.  He agreed to put that presentation into a short article that explains exactly what Nullification is.   NULLIFICATION Legal Theory of Principal and Agent, or, Master and Servant:  “Nullification” is the tool that our founding fathers declared to be the ultimate way to reign in the newly created federal government should it, at any time in the […]

Tech Tip – The RSS Feed

Tech_Tip_LogoMany of our groups and organizations are fortunate enough to have set up our own web / blog sites. These serve as our “newspaper” and help us get our message out into our communities. As with any web site, a key factor in keeping our visitors coming back to our site is “fresh content”. If our visitors see the same front page every time they come to our site and it never seems to be […]

RNC Resolution against Common Core

GOP_WebSiteThis may seem like old news,  but I’m posting this as a reminder to candidates who are running as Republicans. Two years ago, the Republican National Committee (RNC) passed a resolution claiming the Republican Party recognized Common Core was an inappropriate overreach of the federal government into local education,  and that it vowed to repeal these standards and any legislation that supported them. Ohio’s Gov John Kasich does not agree with this resolution and has […]