Tag Archives: feed

You’ve been watching the news – Want to know what you can do about it?

Brick wall with a painting of a flag, OhioIf you’ve been watching the news the past few weeks,  You’ve seen Iran treaties,  Planned Parenthood, Trump rising to the top of the polls etc, etc, etc. Do you spend 1-2 hours a month sitting in a hard metal chair at a Tea Party, 912, or conservative group meeting and you pop blood pressure meds like tic-tacs? For less time then you spend sitting in that chair,  you can have a major impact in the […]

Motion submitted to remove Boehner as Speaker of the House

MarkMeadowsThis has been in the news for the last few hours but Bill Yarbrough from the Ohio Republican Liberty Caucus just sent us the full text of the Resolution. This resolution was submitted by Rep Mark Meadows (NC-11) Please contact all of our Ohio Representatives and tell them that you support Rep Meadows resolution. This resolution must go through committee where it will probably die.   Whereas the Speaker of the House of Representatives for […]

Gov Kasich’s run is good news for conservative voters – But they must unite

SplitVote1Last week Ohio’s Gov John Kasich announced his decision to throw his hat into the race for president. This announcement has Conservative voters across Ohio jumping for joy.   REALLY ????? It’s not what you think.  Toledo Tea Party Chairman, John Mc Avoy: “I normally don’t put a lot of value in polling numbers and survey analysis. More often than not,  these polls are conducted by the various media and news outlets for entertainment value to […]

The best 18 minutes of my life just happened on the US Senate floor

Cruz_SenateFloorTHANK YOU   THANK YOU   THANK YOU. Many of us have been fighting on the grass roots front for years.  The most frustrating of those times is when we work our butts off to get someone elected because they say their going to fight.   After we get them elected,  they not only DON’T fight,  but they actually sign on and help with the progressive / liberal movement to the left. After a few days of putting […]

Ohio Conservatives United launches similar program in Florida

Ohio_Florida_LogosProgram that started in Ohio is being adopted in Florida. Conservative groups across Florida band together to launch Florida Conservatives United TAVARES, FL/TOLEDO, OH – July 23, 2015 – Florida’s Conservative, 912, Liberty, and Tea Party groups and their members now have a method of talking to each other about candidates and unity in the March 15, 2016, “Winner Take All” Florida Presidential Primary. Florida’s North Lake Tea Party leaders Andy Dubois and Carol Knighton […]