Tag Archives: feed

Republican Liberty Caucus Announces Formation of Ohio Charter

Ohio_RLCThe Republican Liberty Caucus (RLC) is pleased to announce the approval of the Republican Liberty Caucus of Ohio’s (RLCOH) charter application, making it the 41st official state affiliate of the RLC. “The Republican Liberty Caucus is an important grassroots organization that advocates for liberty at all levels of government,” said Congressman Thomas Massie (R- KY). “Before I ran for Congress, I was honored to receive their endorsement in my local race for County Judge Executive. […]

Declaration of Independance being read at events across Ohio

declaration-facts-wideThis document, the cornerstone of our county, is being read at celebration events across Ohio.  When you hear the words,  ponder what was going on 239 years ago to drive these men to such an extreme that they were willing to make their names public, and face the lose of everything, including their lives, from an oppressive and overburdening government. Fast forward to today, As these word are read, you will hear many of the […]

NW Ohio Conservative PAC looking for Democrat to run against Rep Kaptur (OH9)

HelpWanted_KaptyrThis is a change…  Understanding the reality of gerrymandered districts,  the NW Ohio Conservative Coalition says its looking for a moderate/conservative Democrat to run against the liberal Rep Marcy Kaptur (OH9) in the Primary elections. Rep Kaptur has been the District 9 representative since  1983.  Many District 9 Democrats are not happy with Rep Kaptur’s continuing rubber stamping of liberal issues and have contacted NWOCC  for help. The NWOCC has worked with conservative democrats before. […]

NW Ohio Conservative PAC looking for Democrat to run against Rep Kaptur (OH9)

HelpWanted_KaptyrThis is a change…  Understanding the reality of gerrymandered districts,  the NW Ohio Conservative Coalition says its looking for a moderate/conservative Democrat to run against the liberal Rep Marcy Kaptur (OH9) in the Primary elections. Rep Kaptur has been the District 9 representative since  1983.  Many District 9 Democrats are not happy with Rep Kaptur’s continuing rubber stamping of liberal issues and have contacted NWOCC  for help. The NWOCC has worked with conservative democrats before. […]

Workplace Freedom Amendment volunteers working through the summer.

Ohioans_for_Workplace_FreedomThe Workplace Freedom Amendment is alive and well and cranking up activities for the summer festivities Project Leader Sue Ellen King is asking volunteers to take full advantage of the summers festivals, fairs, and other gatherings to reach a goal of 1000 signatures each. This is also a great time to recruit a friend and get some help manning your booth or table.  Why not turn this into a group project,  its great when your […]