Tag Archives: feed

Workplace Freedom Amendment volunteers working through the summer.

Ohioans_for_Workplace_FreedomThe Workplace Freedom Amendment is alive and well and cranking up activities for the summer festivities Project Leader Sue Ellen King is asking volunteers to take full advantage of the summers festivals, fairs, and other gatherings to reach a goal of 1000 signatures each. This is also a great time to recruit a friend and get some help manning your booth or table.  Why not turn this into a group project,  its great when your […]

Workplace Freedom Amendment volunteers working through the summer.

Ohioans_for_Workplace_FreedomThe Workplace Freedom Amendment is alive and well and cranking up activities for the summer festivities Project Leader Sue Ellen King is asking volunteers to take full advantage of the summers festivals, fairs, and other gatherings to reach a goal of 1000 signatures each. This is also a great time to recruit a friend and get some help manning your booth or table.  Why not turn this into a group project,  its great when your […]

House Freedom Caucus Chair Jim Jordon comments on expiration of E-I bank.

JimJordon_101House Freedom Caucus Chairman Jim Jordan made the following comments today regarding the expiration of the Export-Import Bank’s charter: “This is a great day for taxpayers around the country who are fed up with cronyism in Washington. The charter of the Export-Import Bank, the ‘bridge to nowhere’ of corporate welfare, expired at midnight. The Bank has long been emblematic of Washington working for special interests and not for everyday Americans. The end of the Ex-Im […]

Ohio Conservatives United release June survey results

Q1_TOTAL_JUNE_2014Toledo, OH. In late April, the NW Ohio Conservative Coalition (NWOCC) launched a unique statewide program that allows Ohio’s conservatives to communicate with each other regarding their choice of conservative Presidential candidates, and their opinion in regards to changing their vote in an effort to unite around a single conservative Candidate. Ohio Conservatives United (OCU) Spokesman John Mc Avoy says; “Based on the survey results so far, Ohio’s conservative voters fully understand if they go […]

Springboro Board Approves New Unaffordable Teacher Contract

Dr. Kelly Kohls Springboro OH At a rescheduled meeting on June 4th, the Springboro OH School Board approved a new contract with the Springboro Education Association. The three-year contract provides for base increases of 2%, 2%, and 3% per year. When combined with the annual longevity increases Springboro teachers will receive average total salary increases of 6% to 7% for each of the next three years. Springboro Schools Superintendent Todd Petrey maintains that increases of […]