Tag Archives: feed

Ohio’s Voter ID bill stalled in Rep Tim Browns Committee

TimBrownIMMEDIATE ACTION REQUIRED - Having a Photo ID is required in almost everything we do, except voting.  Ohio Bill, HB-189 would change this,  yet it seems to be stalled in the Government Accountability and Oversight Committee. Is Chairman Tim Brown stalling debate on this bill? In surveys around Ohio, the vast majority of Ohio voters support Voter ID, and the Ohio bill, HB-189,  authored by Andrew Brenner, would do just that. You must present a […]

I will not accept 80% – I want 100%

OhioGOP_80PercentI’m tired of the establishment Republicans telling me that if I like 80% of the candidate, then I should jump in and give 100% support – BULL CRAP. I want 100%.  When I hire an employee,  we define the job,  I don’t want it 80% complete,  I want it 100% complete. When I hire someone to fix my roof,  I want 100% fixed, not 80% When I buy a new car,  I don’t want a […]

Portman says YES to giving up the power that we elected him to uphold.

imgresSen Rob Portman voted YES moves the FAST TRACK bill one step closer to allowing President Obama to authorize ALL trade agreement treaties. We are very disappointed in Sen Portman’s stand on this,  We view that Sen Portman gave up the very power that we elected him to uphold by giving negotiating authority to the President for several years — not just President Obama and not just for the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement.  When Sen Rob […]

Ohio Conservatives United

UCRU_LOGO_1Less than 6 weeks after its launch, the Ohio Conservatives United (OCU) program has become the talk of Conservative, Liberty, 912, and Tea Party groups and organizations across Ohio.  The “talk” isn’t about the OCU,  but what the OCU is doing. Its providing a platform for Ohio’s conservative voters to communicate with each other on three topics; 1) Potential Presidential candidates choices,  2) Uniting behind a candidate, and, 3) get out the vote efforts. “… […]

Portman Co-Sponsors Bill to Prohibit Federal Education Mandates

imgresA few high profile Republican U.S. Senators introduced S. 182, Learning Opportunities Created at the Local (LOCAL) Level Act, on January 16th, which would amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (EASA) to prohibit federal education mandates. The bill has been referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. Sponsored by Senator Pat Roberts (R-KS) and co-sponsored by Senators Chuck Grassley (R-IA), James Inhofe (R-OK) and Ohio’s Rob Portman, S. 182 […]