Tag Archives: feed

Kasich Administration Reduces Medicaid Services for Developmentally Disabled

While Governor Kasich talks of renewing Medicaid expansion for abled bodied adults, his Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD) is quietly reducing Medicaid services for Ohio’s developmentally disabled population. The DODD released its Final Report of the Strategic Planning Leadership Group in late December which calls for a 50 percent reduction in beds for Intermediate Care Facility homes that provide skilled nursing and personal care as well as community access to school, day services, and recreation […]

Kasich Administration Reduces Medicaid Services for Developmentally Disabled

imagesWhile Governor Kasich talks of renewing Medicaid expansion for abled bodied adults, his Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD) is quietly reducing Medicaid services for Ohio’s developmentally disabled population. The DODD released its Final Report of the Strategic Planning Leadership Group in late December which calls for a 50 percent reduction in beds for Intermediate Care Facility homes that provide skilled nursing and personal care as well as community access to school, day services, and recreation […]

Republican Lawmakers Appear Leery of Renewing Obamacare Medicaid Expansion

imagesThe time is fast approaching when Governor Kasich will release his proposed budget for the 2016-2017 biennium. When he does, he is expected to include a two year renewal of Obamacare Medicaid expansion – the expansion you will remember which Kasich forced through the Controlling Board against the wishes of the state legislature. Kasich has been beating the drum for the renewal of expansion for some months talking again about his faith driving him to […]

Irony Alert: Kasich to Travel Country Promoting Balanced Budget Amendment

thThe Cleveland Plain Dealer reports that Governor Kasich plans to travel the country in 2016, not to get a jump on a presidential campaign, but to push for a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.  Ohio is one of 24 states which has called for a constitutional convention. Ten more states are needed to convene the convention and 38 states are needed to ratify an amendment. The stops Kasich plans to make on his […]

CATO Institute’s John Allison Discusses Liberty

imagesJohn Allison, President and CEO of the CATO Institute, spoke at the Federalist Society’s 14th Annual Barbara K. Olson Memorial Lecture. Mr. Allison discussed CATO’s mission, the fundamental role of government, and what he sees as the philosophical fight for western civilization currently underway between libertarians and statists.  Allison also spoke in depth on the progressive movement and its desire to attain what it believes to be the moral high ground. Allison pacts much in […]