Tag Archives: feed

Ohio High Court Rebukes School District Tax Increase

1851  Taxpayers cheated by Indian Hill School District’s “Inside Millage Move” by raising taxes without public vote Cincinnati – Indian Hill School District’s property tax increase without voter permission violated state law, according to unanimous ruling late yesterday from the Supreme Court of Ohio.  This decision rebuffs Ohio school districts’ efforts to take advantage of a legal loophole created in 1998, which appeared to allow such tax increases in limited circumstances, though not to collect […]

Obamacare Updates: Enrollment, Perverse Incentives, and Governor Kasich

thObamacare’s second annual open enrollment period has been underway for approximately two weeks, but even before it began, the Obama administration downplayed expectations by lowering its projected 2015 enrollment figure by 30%. The Congressional Budget Office orginally predicted there would be 13 million Obamacare customers in 2015, but that figure has now been lowered to between 9 and 9.9 million when taking into consideration returning customers and new enrollees. Fox News indicates that the administration […]

Obamacare Enrollment Not As Reported by Obama Administration

thHow much more obfuscation and misinformation about Obamacare will Americans be subjected to? Bloomberg reports that the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee discovered that the Obama administration has been misreporting the number of people enrolled in Obamacare by approximately 380,000. The administration was double accounting for consumers who were enrolled in both a medical and dental plan through the federal and state health care marketplaces in order to get the enrollment numbers above 7 […]

Give Common Core Repeal A Shot With A Floor Vote

thFrom the start, the Common Core repeal bill HB 597 was put behind the eight ball. Shortly after it passed out of committee, Rep. Matt Huffman, speaker pro tempore and one of the bill’s sponsors, told the Cincinnati Enquirer, “If we don’t think we have the votes to pass it, we won’t bring it to the floor.” At that point, the bar had been set and the message to all fence-sitting House Republicans was:  Sit […]

Common Core Repeal Update: Calls Needed

No_Common_CoreHeidi Huber of Ohioans Against Common Core has worked tirelessly fighting for Common Core repeal in Ohio. She was on Columbus radio, 610 WTVN, giving an update on the status of the repeal bill, HB 597. Listen to the podcast HERE. Huber covered the following points: 50 votes are needed to pass HB 597.  The sponsors are currently 10 votes shy. It is hoped that Democrats will come on board as this is not a […]