Tag Archives: feed

Proposed Limit to Testing in House Bill is Four Hours Per State Assessment

thMy previous post on the House bill which curbs standardized testing incorrectly stated that the bill would limit testing on state achievement and graduation tests to four hours per student per year. The bill actually limits standardized testing to four hours per assessment per year.  The limit would go into effect for the 2015-16 school year. The confusion stems from news reports which characterized the proposed testing limit as “four hours per student per year,” […]

Ohio House Set to Take Action on Bill Which Limits Standardized Testing

thSee updated post.  Proposed testing limit in House Bill is actually four hours per assessment. Finally there is an aspect of Common Core that we can all agree on – there is far too much standardized testing. In response to the overwhelming cry from parents, teachers, and administrators, Representatives Anne Gonzales and Andrew Brenner sponsored a bill to reduce the number of hours Ohio students can spend on state achievement testing and graduation testing to […]

“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the stupidest man of all.”

th-1Jonathan Gruber, the now notorious Obamacare architect, may just well be the most toxic man in America. He has managed to offend literally all of the American public by referring to the “stupidity of the American voter,” calling his countrymen “too stupid,” and claiming that we have a “lack of economic understanding.” These comments and more were made in at least six video clips from various conferences during which Gruber explained the way Americans were […]

What Does College Credit Plus Mean for Taxpayers

taxpayerRepublicans in the General Assembly inserted in the mid biennium review bill, HB 487, a program which sounds like it could be connected to Common Core. The program, College Credit Plus (CCP), provides free full and part time college credit to public and private secondary school students who meet the admission requirements of a partnering college, usually a local community college. What’s the connection with Common Core? Well, just look for the buzz words peppered […]

Buckeye Institute Suggests Reforms to Ohio’s Broken Municipal Income Tax System

Unknown-6Municipal income tax reform is on the agenda in the lame-duck session of the Ohio General Assembly. The Buckeye Institute has published a report which highlights the most aggregious aspects of Ohio’s municipal income tax system and identifies needed reforms. Buckeye puts the issue into perspective, “Forty other states manage to fund local government without imposing municipal income taxes, putting Ohioans and their businesses at an immediate economic disadvantage. State policymakers should be looking for […]