Tag Archives: feed

Ohio Student Data Privacy Violations Should Be Included in State Reporting

thRep. Andrew Brenner has introduced a bill to limit the time allotted for standardized testing in Ohio schools.  The bill has been amended to Substitute House Bill 228 to expedite the legislation for the lame duck session. Since Race to the Top calls on states and school districts to work toward offering state achievement testing online in the future, HB 228 includes a provision requiring the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) to submit a report to the Governor […]

U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Challenge to Obamacare Subsidies

thThere’s hopeful news this week on the Obamacare front. The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a challenge to the tax subsidies that keep Obamacare afloat. The Court will review a ruling by a three judge panel of a federal appeals court in Richmond, Virginia which upheld IRS regulations that allow Obamacare tax subsidies in all 50 states. Language in the ACA states that subsidies are available to individuals that enroll in an insurance plan […]

U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Challenge to Obamacare Subsidies

thThere’s hopeful news this week on the Obamacare front. The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a challenge to the tax subsidies that keep Obamacare afloat. The Court will review a ruling by a three judge panel of a federal appeals court in Richmond, Virginia which upheld IRS regulations that allow Obamacare tax subsidies in all 50 states. Language in the ACA states that subsidies are available to individuals that enroll in an insurance plan […]

Common Core Repeal Bill Headed to Full House Vote

imagesTell your State Rep to vote to REPEAL Common Core in Ohio.  Find their phone number HERE. Gongwer News Service reports the Common Core repeal bill HB 597 was voted out of committee yesteriday on a 7-2 vote with no amendments. All seven Republicans on the committee voted for moving the legislation while the only two Democrats in attendance dissented. The bill is now set to go before the full House during the November lame […]

Kasich Earns “D” on CATO’s Fiscal Policy Report Card

images-1The story goes when John Kasich served as U.S. House Budget Chairman back in the late 1990’s he kept the CATO Institute’s Handbook for Congress at his desk. Perhaps his thinking has changed since serving in Washington or perhaps the book was just there for show, but that same CATO Institute recently released its “Fiscal Policy Report Card on America’s Governors 2014″ and John Kasich earned a disappointing “D”. The study looks at the effects […]