Tag Archives: feed

As Ohio Medicaid Expands, Services for Our Most Vulnerable Citizens Put at Risk

Pop Medicaid ExpansionJason Hart of Watchdog.org keeps up his important coverage of Obamacare Medicaid expansion. He reports Ohio Medicaid’s September case load report shows that expansion enrollment has reached 401,307 – far outpacing the Kasich administration’s low-ball projections of 366,000 by July 2015. What does that mean in dollars in cents?  Ohio’s Joint Medicaid Oversight Committee, which has been charged with the task of “bending the cost curve down” on Medicaid, put out estimates of costs per […]

Kasich Struggles with Conflicting Positions and Images

th-1Governor Kasich got himself into a little hot water over comments he made about Obamacare and Medicaid expansion to the AP. Kasich told the AP that he did not think repeal was going to happen because “political or ideological” opposition does not “hold water” against “real improvements in peoples’ lives.” The AP thought Kasich meant opposition to Obamacare would not “hold water,” but Kasich’s staff claims the Governor meant opposition to Obamacare Medicaid expansion. The […]

71% of Obamacare Enrollment is Medicaid expansion

thThe numbers aren’t looking good for Obamacare. The Daily Signal reviewed the enrollment figures for the first half of 2014 and found that while 8,538,237 more people have health insurance since Obamacare went live, 71% of that growth in coverage was from Medicaid expansion. Here is the breakdown of the numbers: 6,254,564 people purchased an individual market insurance plan either through the Obamacare exchanges or the private market. But the growth in the individual market […]

Gun Owners from 18 States Join Buckeye Firearms Association’s New Membership Program

Buckeye Firearms AssociationFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 23, 2014 COLUMBUS, OH – Buckeye Firearms Association (BFA) has announced a new membership program to help grow resources and further its mission to advocate for Second Amendment rights. Just days old, this program has already attracted well over 500 members from Ohio and 17 other states, including Alaska, California, Florida, and Texas. The Association expects to have over 1,000 members by the end of the month and will push to […]

Gun Owners from 18 States Join Buckeye Firearms Association’s New Membership Program

Buckeye Firearms AssociationFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 23, 2014 COLUMBUS, OH – Buckeye Firearms Association (BFA) has announced a new membership program to help grow resources and further its mission to advocate for Second Amendment rights. Just days old, this program has already attracted well over 500 members from Ohio and 17 other states, including Alaska, California, Florida, and Texas. The Association expects to have over 1,000 members by the end of the month and will push to […]