Tag Archives: feed

US Embassies Still Approving Visas from Ebola-stricken Countries; OH Congress Members State Positions on Containment Measures

th-1The Daily Signal, a digital news service of the Heritage Foundation, reports that U.S. embassies in Liberia, Sierre Leone, and Guinea are still processing visas for non-U.S. nationals despite the Ebola epidemic. Approximately 100 people per day are applying for U.S. visas across the three embassies. Representative Ed Royce, chairman of the House Foreign Relations Committee voiced his concerns on this issue to Secretary of State John Kerry in a letter. Royce wrote, “Given the […]

Student-led Repeal Common Core Rally in Westerville

th-1Students from Westerville North High School have organized a rally to repeal the Common Core State Standards. Student-led Repeal Common Core Rally Saturday October 18th, 12 PM – 2 PM American Legion 393 East College Avenue Westerville, Ohio The rally notice reads as follows: “Students from Westerville North High School have organized a rally to repeal the Common Core State Standards. Please make time to come out to the rally this weekend and support our […]

Northeast Ohio Congressional Candidates Give Their Positions on Obamacare

th-1The Cleveland Plain Dealer has prepared a voter guide for Northeast Ohio, and in doing so, asked a question we are all curious about: where do congressional candidates stand on the straight repeal of Obamacare. The Plain Dealer provides the congressional candidates’ unedited responses in its article as well as a link to the Cleveland Plain Dealers’ Northeast Ohio voter guide. Question: “Do you favor or oppose a straight repeal of the Affordable Care Act […]

Voter Guides for November 4th General Election

images-14Here is a list of voter guides which you may find helpful as you prepare to vote in the November 4th general election. This list is by no means complete for the entire state.  If you know of other guides, please comment below. Statewide Guides Ohio Citizens PAC Buckeye Firearms Association Ohio Right to Life The New American Freedom Index Ohio Supreme Court Voter Information Hamilton County Hamilton County Liberty Alliance Tea Party has put out […]

Common Core Protestors In Lorain County Get Their Message Across to Kasich

101114_KASICH_KB01Common Core opponents are making some noise and getting noticed – so much so that Governor Kasich felt compelled to address his position on Common Core at a campaign stop in Lorain County. The Toledo Blade reports that Governor Kasich noticed “a handful of sign-carrying protestors outside the windows” and responded as follows, “The high standards that have been set were set by experts across the country, not in Washington.” “These are people who understand […]