Tag Archives: feed

Ohioans for Workplace Freedom: Volunteers Needed for Election Day Signature Collection

workplace-freedom-OHElection Day, November 4th, provides an excellent opportunity for Right to Work advocates to collect signatures for Ohioans for Workplace Freedom. Please contact your fellow petition gatherers to determine optimal polling places in your county or a nearby county.  If you need help choosing a polling place in your area, contact Lisa Cooper using the form below. When choosing a polling location for signature collection, look for polling places which cover several precincts.  This will ensure […]

Local Control of Schools Not Possible Without Independent-minded School Board Members

images-14The education establishment is battening up the hatches to quell Common Core repeal. The Ohio School Boards Association (OSBA), the Ohio Association of School Board Officials (OASBO), and the Buckeye Association of School Administrators (BASA) sent a notice to members informing them of the October 14th hearing on the Common Core repeal bill HB 597. See notice HERE. The notice is written under the assumption that its recipients – school board members and school administrators […]

Hearing Time Set for Common Core Repeal Bill

thThe Ohio House Rules and Reference Committee will hear proponent testimony on HB 597, a Common Core repeal bill, on Tuesday October 14th at 6 PM in Room 313 of the Statehouse. Reps. Matt Huffman and Andy Thompson indicated previously that the focus of this hearing would be on current Ohio school teachers. If you are a school teacher opposed to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and its related assessment system and would like to […]

Love Your Local Liberty Leaders Day

n3fp_LoveLeadershipDayLogoSM_3Dear Patriot, I know that you do appreciate your local group leaders. We all do. I also know that we thank them when we see them and often show our appreciation in other ways. But, after talking with so many Liberty Leaders across Ohio and across the nation, I feel that we need to take one day out of the year and really let them know how much we all appreciate what they do. After […]

Obamacare Trainwreck Hits Walmart

th-3The Obamacare express has taken out its newest victims – this time Walmart employees working less than 30 hours per week. Forbes reports that Walmart will eliminate employer-sponsored health care benefits for 1.2 million workers that fall into this category. Walmart wrote in a blog post announcing the decision, “Anyone who has been following the news for the last several years knows that health care is a major topic of debate. From doctors’ visits and prescriptions […]