Tag Archives: Obamacare

Phil Gramm Advocates for Tried and True Policy of Health-Care Freedom

Unknown-5Ohio Project volunteers will enjoy reading Phil Gramm’s July 24th editorial in the Wall Street Journal.  Mr. Gramm offers Republicans a strategy for defeating Obamacare, one that Ohioans know is popular with a wide sector of the population – allowing people to choose (or not to choose) their own health-care coverage.  Gramm writes, “…there is one unifying principle that Republicans can and should rally around now:  the right of American families to choose their own […]

Appeals Court Ruling Exposes the Lie of the Affordable Care Act

images-14Liberty-minded folks should take heart that the fight against Obamacare and for health care freedom is far from over.  Two conflicting appeals court rulings were handed down today which show that the Affordable Care Act is not settled law by any stretch of the imagination. In a 2-1 decision, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit ruled that the tax subsidies which make the insurance premiums on the Obamacare exchanges affordable to average […]

Kasich’s Job Creation Record Seen in a Different Light

images-14Jason Hart of Media Trackers shows us that a picture’s worth a thousand words in his recent tweet.  Hart provides a chart which juxtaposes Governor Kasich’s net job creation record with his Obamacare Medicaid expansion enrollment.   Numbers don’t lie.  It looks like the Governor has been more successful increasing government dependency than he has been at setting Ohioans on the course to financial independence. Ohio Medicaid has released its June 2014 caseload report which […]

Medicaid Expansion Enrollment Figures On Track to Outpace Kasich’s Estimate

images-16A June 11th report from Gongwer News Service outlines the latest enrollment figures from the Department of Medicaid for Kasich’s implementation of Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion. 243,230 Ohioans enrolled in Medicaid as of the end of May, just five months from the start date of the program.  36,000 applications remain pending approval. During the Medicaid expansion debate, the Kasich administration told Ohioans that 366,000 people would enroll in Medicaid expansion by end of June 2015.  So […]

AFP Reports the Truth About Obamacare

images-14Americans for Prosperity reports the truth about Obamacare in an email they sent this week to supporters.  Please see below for a copy of their email which includes footnotes for all statements made. AFP asks supporters to take action by contacting their representatives in Washington.  Click on SEND A MESSAGE TO CONGRESS to be taken to the AFP website where you can email your representatives directly.