WEST CHESTER TEA PARTY MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 11, 2023 FOOD 6:30, MEETING 7PM ST. GERTRUDE THE GREATCATHOLIC CHURCH 4900 RIALTO RD.WEST CHESTER, OH 45069 (OUR JULY MEETING IS THE 2ND TUESDAY DUE TO 1ST TUESDAY FALLING ON JULY 4TH!) OUR SPEAKER WILL BE JIM LEWIS FROM BUILDING BLOCKS FOR LIBERTY! Jim is a founding member of our West Chester Tea Party and decided in 2011 that Americans needed a better understanding of the U.S. Constitution (and the Ohio Constitution) and since then he’s devoted his time to this cause. He and John Hindrey from Building Blocks for Liberty, have had numerous Constitution classes in Ohio and surrounding states, successfully enlightening hundreds or even thousands of citizens. He’s going to speak to us about our familiar “Pledge of Allegiance” and how to nullify federal encroachments on our personal rights and the sovereignty of the state. ![]() PLEASE JOIN US TONIGHT FOR REP. GROSS’ LAST TOWNHALL OF THIS SESSION. WE CONSERVATIVES MUST SHOW UP AND SUPPORT HER!! THERE ARE ALWAYS MORE FROM THE OTHER SIDE AND WE NEED TO OUTNUMBER THEM!!She said on Facebook, “This will be my 24th and last town hall meeting until September as July and August are technically session break. However, even though it’s session break, I will be in Columbus for some meetings occasionally.” ********************************************************************* Landmark Legislation Safeguarding the Use of Off-Label Drugs Passes the Ohio State House With Bipartisan Support Ohio lawyer Tom Renz said “I have been working with OAMF and Rep. Jennifer Gross on the language of this bill (HB73) and believe it is good. The bill is 8 pages long (you can see it here) and is an easy read. OAMF has provided these bullet points which do a good job summarizing.” https://dailyclout.io/landmark-legislation-safeguarding-the-use-of-off-label-drugs-passes-in-ohio-state-house-with-bipartisan-support/ *********************************************************************** Our June speaker, Jonathan Broadbent, is in the process of sending us links to the websites that he mentioned in his presentation. Meanwhile, here is his substack with an excellent article, “WHEN REAL LIFE FEELS LIKE A MOVIE SCENE” about the surreal nature of the war we are fighting. “My mind screamed at me, “don’t these people know? They’re in danger! We are in danger! The war is going on and we’re suffering heavy casualties… why do you seem so calm and delighted in each other’s company?!” My mind went on, unwilling to turn off.” https://jonathanbroadbent.substack.com/p/when-real-life-feels-like-a-movie?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email *************************************************************************** The March for Children was held yesterday at the Butler Co. Courthouse in Hamilton attended by those who KNOW that EVIL is being perpetrated on our children. Candice Keller and Jamie and Todd Minniear were the sponsors. Candice witnessed a Drag Queen event in Middletown the night before that was sickening. She will be showing her pics of small children involved in the disgusting display to the city council at their next meeting. WE MUST PROTECT OUR INNOCENT CHILDREN! LOOK AT WHAT THE U.N. IS TRYING TO IMPLEMENT: https://stopworldcontrol.com/children/ We hope you’re aware of the film, “Sound of Freedom” which is going to be playing in theaters near us starting the week of July 4th. It tells the story of Tim Ballard, former CIA agent who decided to fight human trafficking on his own. Ballard reveals that the United States is the top consumer of child sex trafficking and warns Americans of the epidemic plaguing the nation. Jim Caviezel, perhaps best known for his role as Jesus in The Passion of the Christ, plays Sound of Freedom’s lead role of Ballard. In the trailer, Caviezel’s character said, “God’s children are not for sale.” https://warroom.org/american-hero-tim-ballard-reveals-u-s-is-1-global-consuming-hub-of-child-pornography/ HERE IS THE TRAILER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyyyKcfJRGQ To get tickets, go to angle.com *********************************************************************** SETH KESHELSPEAKING IN COLUMBUS AREA THURSDAY! ![]() Gail Niederlehner of Ohio4truth.com says the format of the website has been updated quite a bit and they’ve added a blog as well. You will find new information on every county which will show you that we don’t have clean elections. She’d like to see Ohioans give Seth Keskel a big welcome!! He’s extremely involved in cleaning up elections and traveling the country educating citizens. If you need a ride, email charispeterson@aol.com *************************************************************************** ![]() Tom Zawistowski has already shipped 107 Barn Billboard signs concerning Issue 1 and they are going up all over Ohio. Listen to his 6/24 podcast: https://wethepeopleconvention.org/Podcast-Player-Page ************************************************************************* Tell Your Federal and State Legislators to Introduce/Support Utility Meter Choice! Smart and digital utility meters are actively being deployed and mandated across the U.S. without adequately informing consumers of the health, safety and privacy risks. Childrens Health Defense has a way for you to take action and demand legislation to protect your health, safety and privacy. ********************************************************************************* Very easy! https://childrenshealthdefense.org/community-forum/support-utility-meter-choice/ Lakota School District, as you may know, has been searching for a new superintendent and they have narrowed it to 3 candidates. The Board of Education is inviting staff, parents, students and community members to a series of question and answer (Q&A) sessions with each of the top candidates next Tuesday, June 27. The separate Q&A sessions will take place in the cafeteria at Lakota West High School (8940 Union Centre Blvd., West Chester) according to the following schedule: 3:30 – 4:00 p.m. – Q&A with Jason Spencer 4:30 – 5:00 p.m. – Q&A with Ashley Whitely 5:30 – 6:00 p.m. – Q&A with Michael Acomb During each session, a facilitator will ask the featured finalist the top-rated questions from a community ThoughtExchange open now through noon on June 27. At the conclusion of each session, attendees will be invited to share their feedback through a brief survey. Results will be shared with the Board as they begin deliberations later that evening following their second round of interviews. HERE is a link to the ThoughtExchange and you need to give your thoughts before NOON, JUNE 27! WE NEED CONSERVATIVES TO PARTICIPATE!! What about some questions concerning hard wiring the schools so we don’t have constant 5G radiation pummeling our students. (It’s not just 5G’s high radiation levels that are problematic — it’s the highly repetitive nature of the pulsating 5G signal that harms people’s health) And absolutely no towers on top of schools!. Can our “super” candidates answer the same question we asked the school board about how they would vote on Issue 1. (They didn’t want to answer, especially as school board members) What are they going to do with the Action Safety Grant of $40 million, use some of it for security? GIVE THEM YOUR QUESTIONS BEFORE TUESDAY. ********************************************************** EmpowerU Live from the Southern Border! Tuesday, June 27, 105 Degrees in McAllen , TX… Live Virtual Class to be Presented The Border Mess What You Need to Know…Our Equipment and Bags are Packed… When: Tuesday, June 27, 2023 from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM EDT Where: This a Virtual Class Only The Zoom Link is Through the Virtual Registration Cincinnati, OH 45246 REGISTER HERE – Scroll to the bottom for the green button In Liberty, The West Chester Tea Party Board Visit our website: westchesterteaparty.org and facebook.com/westchesterteaparty, gab.com/libertywctp |
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