Many of you may not be aware that we have been labeled an antisemitic organization by the Cincinnati Jewish Federation through the Jewish Community Relations Council. They have asked people and organizations to disassociate from us.

We know we are not antisemitic and are an organization that includes people of all faiths and religions. We posted a Disclaimer Notice on our Facebook and Gab pages. It follows below:

“The West Chester Tea Party is a 501c4 that has an open forum to research and discuss current trends that impact all Americans, this includes politics, education, healthcare and economics. The group supports the U.S. Constitution and the First Amendment – Freedom of Speech. It does not support visceral racism, violence or intolerance, violence in any form. We always recommend that people research the subject matter so that we can engage in constructive dialogue that can lead to positive changes in society.
To be offended is a choice people make; it is not a condition inflicted or imposed upon us by someone or something else.”

St. Gertrude the Great, where we have been meeting for the last 3-4 years, has been extremely generous in hosting us and has never been involved with our programs. With the notoriety we have encountered, they have felt it necessary to separate from the Tea Party so we are looking for another place to meet.

Therefore, the Lakota School Board Candidate Forum, scheduled for Oct. 3rd, is cancelled, much to our regret.

We are resolute and will proceed forward with positive actions, researching and giving out truthful information as we see it. We LOVE the First Amendment, Freedom of Speech, and will not be deterred.

We will continue to update you and send out more pertinent information as it’s needed.
In Liberty,
The West Chester Tea Party Board
Visit our website: and

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